jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

something to feel good about.-

Sometimes people seem to feel depressed about their lifes, they think they're useless or that they will never succed in life. And so their self-esteems start to go low and low, until they start to feel sad about not beeing able to do the things some others are capable.
But I know for sure that everyone has their little talent. 
Because talents are not just about music, art, dance, literature or some things like those.
To be a respectful person is a talent, or the fact of people trusting in you, it's a talent. 
Sometimes is not easy to find yours, but for sure is there, deep inside your soul. It's okay to be annoyed for not finding it, because at some point in your life, it will appear, and for you it will be just as natural as breathing. 

So, this goes for the ones who often feel sad, useless, depressed, unnnecessaries... There's always something you can do, and you can do well, a l w a y s.

to me, this is my talent.

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