sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

We are the few.

I'm curious about society nowadays.
I mean, is not like I don't like them, but how can they be so fake?
People always pretend to be something just so they can fit in. I've seen that now, to look cool you must be an enemy of the system and you must go on and offend every government.
Well, okay, but i have a question.
Why do they scream out loud about things they have no idea about. To go out at the streets and protest, you must know exactly what you want to get with that, and why are you against that. I mean, that's not right, because people, especially teenagers, never read about history or politics.
I used to go to protests, as a way to defend my opinions, but now is not comfortable anymore, because I know that I am surronded by people who go there just to make a mess, or just to look cool, awesome, brave or something.
And why... Why if I investigate, if I read, if I research about why I think is not right, I must be repressed by the police because of the uneducated people?

Well, this is just my opinion, and not so many people will be interested about reading it.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


So, this is a blog im starting because of an English Homewrok that was assigned to us, so i'll start introducing myself and then i'll explain the name of my blog (sure it sounds like it means nothing for you).

M y s e l f :
My name is Gabriela, and i am 15 years old. I enjoy reading and writing a lot, also I dance and I am a cheerleader. I live in Maipú with my parents and my little brother, in a really quiet neighbourhood.
My favourite color is electric blue, and I like comics like Superman, Batman, and X-Men. My favourite author is Stephen King, but I must admit I really fell in love with Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.
My favourite movies are 'The Dead Poets' Society' and 'Big Fish'
I like punk rock music, my favourite singer is Boom Boom Kid, and my favourite bands are Streetlight Manifesto, Bad Religion and Da-Skate. 
My favourite color is blue, I like to watch football games, I love Manchester United and specially Wayne Rooney (the one with the '10' shirt), I also enjoy playing videogames like Batallion Wars II, Grand Theft Autumn and any boxing games.
Sometimes I seem to be nice or girly, but once people know me, that vision changes, because I am just a simple girl, I don't wear make up, and I hate chick-flicks, I preffer movies about superheroes, or movies that will really teach you something useful in your life.
I hate Twilight Saga, Reggaeton, Posers, and girls who think Miley Cyrus is the best person in the world, i think all those things are plastic.